CAC is nothing without our amazing members. Susan H. gives you some insight into a member's perspective at Cambridge Athletic Club.
A few years ago, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was a former gym rat who had let myself go. Everything hurt, I was verging on pre-diabetic, and my wardrobe was becoming rather... "limited." I started a new job, and noticed a CAC on the first floor of my building. A few days later, there was a CAC info session at my office. I met Carla, who inspired me to check out the gym.
That was the beginning of my fitness journey. I was matched with an amazing trainer, Emily, who was kind and patient (and had serious doubts during my first workout). She was small but tough. She pushed me to do more than I ever imagined I could. While working with her, I grew stronger and gained a lot of my self confidence back. I've never been very athletic, so this was a great opportunity to compete against no one except myself. I found myself flipping tires, swinging battle ropes, wheezing my way through 600 m on the rowing machine, and achieving personal bests of a 135 lb back squat and 140 lb deadlift (not bad for a 50-something).
Along the way, I was consistently supported by the staff at the gym, and inspired by other members- especially the Crossfit box crew. They cheered me on when I hit a new target, and encouraged me when I had a bad day. Even when I was in a boot with a partially torn tendon in my foot, I didn't miss a workout- my experience at CAC taught me to adjust and adapt.
I'm now down 18 lbs, off all diabetic meds, and am still incredibly grateful for CAC. Even through the pandemic, they've been creative and supportive - challenges, online classes, virtual training sessions- it's all been amazing (and helps to keep me sane during this bizarre year). I'll always be grateful for my experience here. I've met great people and achieved more physically than I ever thought. Thanks CAC!

Susan H. is a Passport Member at Cambridge Athletic Club. A Roxbury native, she currently works at a biotech company in Kendall Square.